When we designed this excursion, some time ago for our first website, we decided to baptize it with the name “Western Ports” because it seemed to us that the cardinal point associated with the sunset helped to perfectly describe a set of fishing villages and towns defined by the epic of the medieval whaling ports, along the rugged coasts of this area of Asturias where we were born, together with the authenticity that urban planning and excessive promotion have not managed to disfigure as has happened in so many tourist places.
Join us so that we can share with you the best corners of Avilés, an authentical Hidden gem villa that has been magnificently restored in recent decades, and that now proudly displays its perfectly preserved historic center. We will also visit Cudillero, listed among the “Most Beautiful Towns in Spain” with full merit, and we will leave Luarca for last. Luarca, can show off for being one of the few Cantabrian ports that have managed to preserve all its traditional flavor, combined with one of the best sets of Indian architecture of Asturias.
La última parada del día la reservamos para la “Gran desconocida”, le gema oculta, la Villa de Avilés, que ha sabido conjugar su pasado industrial con su historia marinera, su esplendor medieval y un magnífico conjunto de soportales de distintos periodos y estilos que no dejarán indiferente a nuestros acompañantes. A lo anterior se une un sorprendente conjunto de edificios barrocos, románicos, góticos o incluso uno de los edificios más vanguardistas que se pueden visitar en España (sólo exteriores). *
All our daytrips are designed for small and exclusive groups with private transportation and a maximum of six people.
Please ask us about the possibilities for groups and excursions with other characteristics.
-Presentación guías y transporte en el punto de encuentro
-Salida del tour
-Llegada a Luarca
-Paseo guiado y tiempo libre
Hasta las 11:15h
-Salida hacia cudillero
-Llegada y comienzo de la visita guiada + tiempo libre
-Fin visita guiada y tiempo libre (se puede ampliar el tiempo libre para comer)
-Salida hacia Avilés
-Llegada a Avilés y visita guiada + tiempo libre
-Recogida del grupo y salida
-Llegada al hotel
Fin de nuestros servicios
La excursión se hará en vehículo exclusivo para el grupo con guía oficial / conductor (máximo de seis personas). Consúltenos precio y condiciones para grupos de mayor tamaño hasta cincuenta personas.